LOVE definition: A feeling of selflessness in relation to life experiences.

I ELEV8 love by firstly learning to love myself and coming to the understanding that I AM LOVE.

I am capable of giving and receiving love without judgement, especially when I am aware that love is the greatest energy that keeps my life experience balanced in relations to the world around me. It's important for me to understand how to relate to the feeling of love and also to know how to show love in my life experiences.

I always have to be aware to love and respect myself in any given reality, to allow the free flow of love abundantly available to me in my experience in this beautiful grand design called life.

I will always forgive myself. Forgiving myself takes courage and the understanding of my true self. Sometimes it seems like what I have done in the past is unforgivable and will mark me forever as someone unworthy of love. However, the past is only a memory and I cannot change or hold on to, I can only learn from it. I will allow my past mistakes to be one of my life's greatest lessons in teaching me to forgive and love myself more.

I will stop criticizing myself. I know sometimes I can be my own worst enemy when it comes to losing my own self-esteem. 

No one knows me like I know myself!

I know my flaws which makes it very tempting to criticize myself at any time. However, I will choose to be kind to myself. 

When I speak or think less of myself, I AM indirectly criticizing myself, which is purely negative. I will choose to affirm only positive thoughts of myself to allow me get on track with my purpose in this life creation. Imagine I don't like myself because I think I AM lazy, anytime I find myself procrastinating or engaging in other considered lazy behaviors, I AM  probably tempted to think, the worst of myself; “ I AM too lazy or I just can’t do it”. I will immediately nip that negative critical thinking in the bud and replace it with a positive affirmation, "I AM capable of accomplishing my goals, I AM worthy of all the great things in life! I have the strength and the intelligence to be productive and get things done now."

The eternal now is all that exist, the decisions I make and the actions I take in the present moment will determine my future outcome. I will not base my actions on a false conception of myself and my past mistakes. Instead, I will choose to understand that I can make positive changes in my life by first understanding that I AM a spiritual being having a physical experience. And no matter what I have done in the past, I AM deserving of my love and forgiveness.

To ELEV8 LOVE I will look in and connect with my inner voice, not looking for help on the outside because all my life experiences are experienced from within me. However, when it comes to loving myself, I will have to recognize that the source of my self-esteem is in my own heart, and not in the thoughts and opinions of others. I will stop asking for approval from others for my lifestyle choices. 

As long as I seek another approval majority of the time, I AM placing the responsibility for my happiness outside of myself. Ultimately, my happiness is determined by how I truly feel about myself, it’s a feeling that comes from inside me. 

Love attracts love. As I become a more positive and fulfilled person, I will naturally attract others to me and develop more fulfilling relationships. 

Here are some tips to ELEV8 LOVE.

I will be more mindful to always treat everyone with patience and respect regardless of their reality.

I will be an example of the change I would like to see in my world.

I will be a source of inspiration and motivation to everyone in my world.

I will be that selfless individual who takes pride in giving other humans happiness and laughter without expecting anything in return.

Please leave a comment on what ELEV8 LOVE means to YOU. We would highly appreciate the feedback.